I fell in love with books at a very young age. I loved to write when I was still in grade school, making up simple stories for my eyes alone. During my junior high years, my focus shifted to writing songs and poetry. Strumming my guitar, sharing my original compositions with any friends that would listen, I dreamed of being a song-writer; but I never had the confidence to pursue it for a career.
My high school teachers often told my mother that I should be a writer. However, they never told me! (I learned of this only recently when my mom told someone else.) I loved Lit classes, and still wrote my songs and poems, occasionally tossing in a short story. Sadly, I never considered it more than a hobby.
Through my young adult years, I worked various jobs while raising my only child, a daughter. My writing became almost non-existent, except for the time when, in my thirties, some college courses reignited my love of writing. Even though my instructors gave me the highest marks, and encouraged me to enter my essays into local contests, I still lacked the confidence to actually do it. At one point, I started writing a novel. After about three chapters I lost steam and put it away.
Now I'm in my fifties and have finally found the confidence to pursue my life-long dream. I am over fifty-thousand words into my manuscript. And I have a plan! Perhaps I'll share about that next time...
I currently write three blogs: a farm blog, an essays blog (my miscellaneous site) and a blog about my pursuit of becoming a published author.