Ooooh how exciting.
I am officially a contributor!
I could be really cheesy now and say... G'day
But I won't.
My real name is Sharni Montgomery - Sharnanigans is the name of my upcoming website and freelance writing business.
I am stoked to be part of this group.
Thank-you Katherine for having me as a contributor.
I am from a small town in Country NSW in Australia.
I am passionate about writing.
I lived in Sydney for a number of years where I worked for the Sydney Morning Herald .
I worked in an advertising role, however just before I left for the 'One Horse Town" (my nickname for where I live) I had 2 stories published.
One was a little crazy (my pre: settle down a little days) I answered share accommodation advertisements in the paper as a means to find love!
Click here to read
The other was an interview with an Australian rock singer - Jon Stevens.
Since leaving Sydney life has turned on it's head.
I met and fell in love with a farmer - we took off to Vietnam to teach English - but discovered we were pregnant and came home!
It has been a blessing - since becoming a Mother I have started my blog The Chronicles of Sharnia which I am absolutely passionate about.
It has given me a creative outlet as well as allowed me to meet many inspirational writers - that I begrudged not being able to meet in my town - hello cyberspace!
I am in process of having website design - and I hope to interview inspiring people on my here and make a real dent in the cyber world (ambitious! yes!) and I will continue writing the chronicles of my life.
I love being part of a writing group as I love to empower and be empowered by talented writers.
Thanks for having me.