Wednesday, August 17, 2011



to some a nasty word... leading to a shift of comfort zone, the requirement to learn something new, a stirring up of the status quo...
to some a word filled with hope, looking forward to different circumstances which may be better than the current one...
to some a chance to grow and stretch, to move out of ones safety zone and embrace the future... change = opportunity...

for a great number of us, change equals resistance or a "heels dug in firmly in refusal" to shift out of the current and into something unknown... some of us hold so tightly to where we are, that nothing can dynamite us forward, thus losing the opportunities that this forward movement brings into our lives... stuck by fear, by indecision, or even by the "well we have always done it this way" mentality, so robs us of experiences that can and should enrich our lives... change = fear...

it seems that nothing ever stays the same.. a drive down the street reveals an empty lot where a building stood just 24 hours earlier... a turn at the next corner shows a new condo development... the world economy on it's roller coaster ride... the fast pace of technology where your newest toy is old by tomorrow... right down to the look of your Blog page... always refreshing, changing it up, keeping it fresh, keeping it new...
I think they need to update (change) that old saying that there are only 2 things in this life that are guaranteed, Death and Taxes.. well how about adding "Change" to that list...

I am always fascinated by people's reaction to moving forward and making changes... hell it feels like you fall off the grid if you don't keep up with it all these days... but why do some of us resist change so ferociously... especially when making those adjustments is for the good... I myself can count numerous times when I have also, bucked the changes, refused to get in line... soon enough to be standing on my own as the rest of the crowd moves off into the distance... don't get me wrong, I have no issues with swimming my own stream, but what holds me back, what locks my feet into inaction...

I know that I am getting better at looking at the big picture and basing my willingness to change on that, rather than a knee jerk immediate rebuff and steadfast resistance... is it wisdom, is it an eagerness to stretch and gather in all the experiences this life has to offer, even if that means stepping out into the unknown?

Am I shedding my fears and replacing that with something deeper, a sense of being strong enough and able to take on what comes at me, dealing with the off chance that some obstacles will need to be overcome along the way.

Ultimately, with whatever accompanies the waves of changes that wash over our lives, it is still a journey of discovery, that chance to learn and listen, teach and speak of our experiences with one another... a movement of ideas, of physical location, of spiritual practice and of new thoughts embraced...

open the door to something different, analyze and dissect, teach yourself something new and become changed in the process...

other posts can be found at my Blog Current Ripple